

MoodRoom is a space to reflect on the differing perspectives or ‘lenses’ we may see life through. In MoodRoom your surroundings will not be changed, but your view of them will be, as you experience both the extroverts view, and the anxious introverts.

Created by

Created by

Ellie Glen

Ellie is a Perth based, Albany bred artist with bits of an arts degree under her belt, a Cert 4 in graphic design and a Diploma of animation. In between her illustrations and paintings, she also creates installations for festival sites, and experiments with a variety of media. Ellie is also an arts facilitator, passionate about helping others to explore their creativity. Using her own experience, Ellie advocates for mental health using the arts.

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Strange takes place on whadjuk noongar boodjar we honour and respect the traditional custodians of country sovereignty was never ceded always was always will be