Scramble Upwards

Scramble Upwards

Scramble Upwards is an interactive installation that explores the fragmented nature of contemporary identity and the interplay between our physical presence and digital footprints. Through the use of live camera feeds, projection mapping, and custom electronics, the work invites participants to experience a visual and auditory reconfiguration of themselves, merging the tangible and intangible aspects of their existence.

The installation serves as both a mirror and a prism, reflecting and refracting the complex interplay between the self and technology, encouraging viewers to contemplate the boundaries and intersections of their multifaceted identities. Through this interactive and immersive experience, Scramble Upwards seeks to engage audiences in a dialogue about the evolving nature of identity in the digital age, inviting them to explore the convergence of the physical and digital realms and the endless possibilities of self-reinvention.

Created by

Created by

Steve Berrick

Steve Berrick works with code, specialising in designing highly technical interactive systems for performance and installation. With a degree in Computer Science, his work focuses on software and technology. Berrick’s works place the audience as the centrepiece of the interaction, often facilitating a tactile creative process which is fed into a collaborative digital playground. He delights in subverting normalcy and prodding the authoritarian.
Berrick has received awards for robot design, technology design and software enabling crowd sourced place activation. His collaborative practice has been presented in galleries, theatres, museums and public spaces.
Recent works include Guardians (Perth Winter Arts Festival), Bumperball (Scitech Science Museum), Hello Future Self (Experimenta Make Sense) and Somewhere Our City (Perth Festival).

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