Do You See What I See

Do You See What I See

“Swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon…”
Drawing upon Luddist ideologies, Art Nouveau artworks and First Nation’s understandings of seasonal transitions, Do You See What I See is intended as both love letter to our Moon and lamentation on the perils of modern life.
Taken from trail camera stills, the works capture the path of the full moon over a 2.5 hour period, as seen from Saira’s home in rural Western Australian.
Comprised of a combination of synthetic & organic materials, the panels were made using consumer technology, informal tools as well as information gleaned from people Saira’s social circles, local community and google searches.
In presenting this work, Saira invites the viewer to pause and contemplate their own relationships with the worlds around us in this era of technocratic jostling and an epidemic of inattention.

Created by

Created by

Saira Spencer

Saira Ellen K. Spencer is a self-taught painter living and working on Menang-Bibbulmun land, amongst forested wetland, 35 km west of Kwoorabup (Denmark), WA.

Saira has been pursuing a fine arts practice since early 2020 after retiring from a 15 year professional tattooing career. She makes abstract-surrealist works that combine biophilic textures with anthropomorphic forms to depict states of inner turmoil, transition and growth & decay cycles.

Her work invites the viewer to consider the body as landscape; drawing parallels between phenomena of the natural sciences and of human experience.

Saira’s recent arts practice has been primarily concerned with how water and the physical environment interacts with medium as well as exploring various other combinations of natural and synthetic materials and mechanisms.

The intention of this practice is to examine our, at-times, fraught relationship with the worlds around us whilst also celebrating the inherent beauty of Australia’s wilderness.

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Strange takes place on whadjuk noongar boodjar we honour and respect the traditional custodians of country sovereignty was never ceded always was always will be